30 Second Insurance Tips©

Tip # 298- A Little Help From My Friends

There never seems to be a shortage of ideas for these Tips. Still, finding the muse some weeks can be harder than others.
So, when I asked in Tip # 297 for you to share your own ideas on how to save money shopping for prescriptions, I didn’t expect to get such good material.
Alan and Laura wanted me to know that Meijer’s offers certain antibiotics at no cost, waiving your insurer’s normal co-pays. Other Big Box stores have similar deals.
Dawn wrote to say she has found great pricing and manufacturer’s discounts at the GoodRx website.
Joan wanted me to check out pricegrabber.com, not for prescriptions, but “for OTC medications, nutrition and wellness, medical supplies such as supports and braces and first aid supplies, health monitors, even sleeping and snoring devices.”
And then there was this from Marji: “I don’t mean to be sassy – but wouldn’t the time to check formularies be before you choose drug plans???” (“Out of the mouths of babes!”)
Thanks all, for your suggestions; “many hands make light work.”